Fit Lifestyle

Weighing In

June 4, 2024

I have been weighing myself daily for almost 2 months.  Previously I was averaging once a week or longer (sometimes months) between weigh-ins, trying to avoid a meltdown over weight gain.

Well, the daily weigh in strategy has de-sensitized me a little from having a big reaction to the number on the scale.  Overall my weight has been slowly (VERY SLOWLY) trending down since early April which is what I am hoping for.  I’m trying not to have crazy expectations of quick weight loss, especially now that I am 40.

We went to a kid birthday party yesterday and I had pizza, cake, and chips.  I had reasonable portions of all of it.  I didn’t overeat or start a binge, which is good for me.  My weight was up nearly 1.5 pounds this morning.  I’m putting so much intention on keeping calm and moving on.  I stuck to my nutrition plan today.

Most likely the sugar, carbs, and salt contributed to water-retention.  I am hopeful that after a couple of days of sticking to my nutrition plan 100% I will see the number fall back.  Then I hopefully will see it drop even lower.

I am a runner and fitness fanatic who is dedicated to living a healthy lifestyle 80% of the time. I live in Texas and divide my time between raising 3 children, teaching, and living a fit life.
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