Fit Lifestyle | Running

Protecting Yourself from Mosquitoes This Season

June 19, 2019
a woman smiling and holding a bottle of insect repellent

****This post was created in partnership with Texas Department of State Health Services, however, all opinions are my own****
It’s that time of the year for me where my outdoor runs will be either in the early morning at dawn, or in the early evening at dusk. Summer can be brutally hot and humid in Texas, and running at dawn or dusk helps make the temperature bearable. Along with all the heat and humidity comes the Texas mosquito season. These pesky creatures are lurking seemingly around every corner; no matter what time of day.

a woman in a jacket and pants stretching outside before a run

Since many people enjoy working out and running outside, today on Chelsea’s Fit Life I am sharing some tips for keeping safe from mosquito bites. I have partnered with the Texas Department of State Health Services to bring you some tips on how you Texans can declare WAR on mosquitoes!
Mosquito bites are itchy, uncomfortable, and bothersome. But that is only a temporary effect of these pests. There are diseases such as the Zika virus, West Nile virus, and Chikungunya virus that can cause serious long-lasting, or event permanent damage. Some people may contract these diseases and only feel mild symptoms. But they then become a carrier for the disease and can be a vector to spread the illness to more vulnerable populations.
Our best bet is to not even give mosquitoes a biting chance! We must prevent mosquito breeding and bites, this is why we must declare “WAR.”

  • Wear long sleeves and pants
  • Apply EPA-approved insect repellent
  • Remove standing water

The itchy bites left behind by mosquitoes are just one bothersome aspect of these creatures. They also spread illness and some of these illnesses are serious. Populations at risk for mosquito borne illness are women who are pregnant or becoming pregnant, elderly populations and people with compromised immune systems.


Zika virus, wWest Nile virus and Chikungunya virus are among some of the mosquito borne illnesses we are at risk of contracting when we are outdoors without protection from mosquitoes.

Wear long sleeve and pants

A barrier between yourself and mosquitoes while you are running or working out can protect you from bites. Think loose fitting, light weight long sleeve shirts/jackets, pants, and long socks.

Apply EPA-approved Insect Repellent

Exposed skin will attract mosquitoes. Apply an EPA-approved insect repellent to deter mosquitoes from biting. There are not a wide variety of products that work for many types of people.

a woman smiling and holding a bottle of insect repellent


Remove Standing Water

Standing water is a breeding ground for insects. Always keep an eye out for containers around the outside of your home and in your yard that can collect water. Empty plant pots, wheelbarrows, buckets, even very small containers with just a few ounces of water can be enough to sustain the mosquito life cycle.

a plant pot with dead leaves and water and dirt inside

For more helpful information on how you can #DeclareWarOnMosquitoes you can visit

Are you doing some of these things?  Any tips you’d like to share?


I am a runner and fitness fanatic who is dedicated to living a healthy lifestyle 80% of the time. I live in Texas and divide my time between raising 3 children, teaching, and living a fit life.
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