Fit Lifestyle | Workouts

7 Workouts You Need to Add to Your Week

March 6, 2017

For more than a couple of years, Pinterest has been my go-to for finding workout ideas to add to my routines.  My searches look like,  “back and biceps workout gym” or “10 minute core workout”.  Today I am going to share 7 of my favorite workout finds from pinterest.  I always come running back to these pins when I’m making my gym plan for the day.


7 amazing workouts

1.  5 Minute Plank Workout

This one is PERFECT to throw into the middle or end of any workout.  Sometimes my gym is crowded (my fault for going during peak times!) and I can’t get my hands on the equipment I want right away.  Boom, perfect time to throw in this 5 minutes of core/whole body awesomeness.  There is a youtube video clip of the plan here as well.

2.  Fat Shredder HIIT 

Doesn’t shredding fat sound bad ass?  I’m a fan of this workout thanks to it’s simplicity.  You absolutely don’t need to be in a gym for this one.  But guess what?  I like to be in the gym!  So something I like to do is add weights between each activity listed focused on the muscle group du jour.  45 seconds of jumping jacks, then 12 reps of bicep curls, etc.

3.  Sun’s Out, Guns Out Arm Workout

This is a great workout on a shoulders and core day.  There are a couple of tricep moves at the end, which it never hurts to add more tricep work.  I usually keep chest and triceps to their own days.  The Live Fit Girls is a great blog to follow!

4.  20 Minute Kettlebell HIIT Circuit Workout

I pinned and tried this workout after I invested in my own 15 lb kettlebell this summer.  I knew I wanted (and maybe needed) one but I really had never used one before.  This was a great starting point!  Nicole goes into great detail about how to do each move on the blog post, you really ought to check it out!

5.  The 15 Minutes Standing Ab Workout

The link about will take you to what seems like a ton of great 15 minute workouts.  I enjoy this standing ab workout because alternate the moves with another targeted body area like bicep curls or barbell rows.  I don’t know about you, but when I’m in the crowded free weight area, I don’t really feel like getting down on the floor for core workouts.

6.  Legs + Glutes Weights Workout

Leg day is my favorite day at the gym!  Go check out this great workout to really put emphasis on those glutes.  You will probably fall in love with Lauren’s blog while you are there!  I was so proud of myself when I was bold enough to try the “weighted glute bridge” with a barbell.

7. 20 Minute Tabata Fat Blaster

This workout here has been a go-to for me for a while now.  I found this gem on pinterest when I was first learning what Tabata even meant.  You will surely be covered in sweat from this one!

I have tried all of these workouts and they are amazing!
7 amazing workouts

What workouts have you discovered and where?  I’d love to hear about your gym plans!




I am a runner and fitness fanatic who is dedicated to living a healthy lifestyle 80% of the time. I live in Texas and divide my time between raising 3 children, teaching, and living a fit life.
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